Ming-yueh Tsai 

蔡 明 岳


Search for “Hang out together”

Single channel film


從卡塞爾回到台灣後,第十五屆文件展提到的詞彙–「nongkrong」(Hang out together),一直讓我耿耿於懷。「一起出去玩」如何成為藝術實踐的方法或是精神?進而開始尋找自己生活中的「休閒」與「閒晃」時刻。

「Search for “Hang out together”」由一連串「多人一起出遊」的畫面所構成,無法知道他們的目的地為何,也不知道他們為何聚集在一起。只知道這些畫面試圖表現出「放鬆」、「愉快」、「關係熱絡」,並且也會藉由肢體的碰觸、延展,甚至是莫名的跑動去滿足情境。這些是我從各大網路影音素材庫中搜尋「Hang out together」的成果,它們多被安插在廣告中增加美好的氛圍,以鼓勵購買的慾望。

搜集這些影像時,我時常懷疑著「一起出去玩」有辦法被演出來嗎?當我們認真凝視或表現時,是不是就已經不再是「一起出去玩」了;但當它們成為主要影像內容,是真正的無所目的,然後我們開始發現多久沒有 Hang out together。

After returning from Kassel to Taiwan, the vocabulary mentioned in the 15th Documenta exhibition – "nongkrong" (Hang out together) has lingered in my mind. How does the phrase "let's go out and play together" become a method or spirit of artistic practice? This led me to explore the moments of "leisure" and "hanging out" in my own life.

"Search for 'Hang out together'" is composed of a series of scenes depicting "group outings," with the destination and purpose of their gathering remaining unknown. All that is evident is their attempt to convey a sense of "relaxation," "joy," and "warm relationships." Through physical touches, stretches, and even inexplicable running, these scenes seek to fulfill a certain atmosphere. These images are the results of my search for "Hang out together" in various online video repositories, often embedded in advertisements to enhance a positive atmosphere and encourage the desire to purchase.

While collecting these images, I often wondered if the act of "going out together" could be performed. When we gaze earnestly or present it seriously, does it cease to be "hanging out together"? However, when they become the main content of images, embodying a genuine aimlessness, we start to realize how long it has been since we truly hung out together.

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