Ming-yueh Tsai 

蔡 明 岳



Single channel film 6’35’’ & 4’37’


「二○二一年九月,為了記錄土丘,我跟著考古館的遺址巡查員在南科園區來回。巡查員每日固定兩班進行巡查,為的是確認那些已經被填平 的遺址,其表層是否遭到破壞,以及新工程的開挖深度是否會影響到遺 址。巡查成為了開發與遺址間的平衡機制。南科地景就建構在巡查員開 的銀色公差車穿梭的路線中。彼時,車上的廣播電台與工地現場的機器 聲交錯,偶爾巡查員會把車停下,示意我看看這處的風景。」 在變動的環境裡,「土丘」常作為「計劃外」的存在,既短暫又臨時, 卻又與空間的挪動息息相關。它不只是遮蔽而已,更建構了一幅新的景觀。

"In September 2021, to explore the mounds in Tainan Science Park region, I followed the site ranger of the Museum of Archaeology around the place. The ranger conducted two regular shifts each day to check if the surface of the filled sites is intact and the depth of the new excavation would affect the sites. The ranger has become a mechanism to balance the development and the heritage. My perception of Tainan Science Park's landscape is then built along the route of the ranger's silver car. During the trip, the radio on the car and the sound of machines on the construction site intertwined with each other. Occasionally the ranger would stop the car and show me the landscape.”

In a changing environment, the "mound" often acts as an "unplanned" presence, transient and temporary, yet closely related to the movement of space. It is not just a shelter, but also a new landscape.

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