在這工作,真幸福 How's your job?
策展人|賴佩君 LAI Pei-Chun、蔡明岳 TSAI Ming-Yueh
藝術家|蔡奕勳 TSAI Yi-Hsun、邱翊琪 CHIU I-Chi、湯雅雯 TANG Ya-Wen、劉紀彤 LIU Chi-Tung & 劉紀汎 LIU Chi-Fan、林書楷 LIN Shu-Kai
展期|2024/06/01(六)- 2024/06/29(六)
地點|福利社 FreeS Art Space
展覽與談|2024.06.15(六) 14:00
與談人|莊偉慈 CHUANG Wei-Tzu、參展藝術家

The composition and operation of the city are closely intertwined with its industries. These factors shape people's life patterns. In Taiwan, small and medium-sized enterprises, factories, and even individuals are characterized by a high degree of adaptability and flexibility, yet being adaptable sometimes implies overworking. This exhibition is based on reflection on modern industry with young artists looking back on their hometowns, the work of their parent's generation, and industry conditions. If working is considered a necessary way of earning a living and art a way of retrospect and sorting thoughts, what kind of ideas will arise from such perspectives?
This exhibition features artists aged from 25 to 40–the generation born after the Taiwan economic miracle. Unlike their parents, who underwent poverty and overwork, they are the first generation who is able to live a decent life. They grew up in an era of economic abundance and convenient public infrastructure. However, they have also experienced the impacts of economic development on the environment and lifestyle, impacts such as large-scale ecological pollution, the rapid disappearance of urban life patterns, and the reshaping of family and life by work. In the exhibition, artists of this generation reflect on and create with their life experiences. They look back on generation changes and seek to reconstruct and even repair the relationships between individual and time, individual and city, and individual and family.
Yi-Hsun Tsai's Polluted Life metaphorically portrays Taoyuan, the city he grew up in, with subtly breathing food packages, implying Taoyuan is an industrial city that sustains many families yet suffers greatly from pollution. Chiu I-chi revisits the working conditions of her parents, who sold accessories at stalls and performed piercings for customers, weaving her parents' skills and spirits into Hi, Do You Want a Piercing?. In The Melody Lingers in the Past, Tang, Ya-Wen returns to the metal fabrication shop in her childhood home, where the constant noise day and night signified the stable income of her family.
The act of looking back can also open up a new journey ahead. In Unfinished & Carrying the Weight, Shu-Kai LIN loaded the molds from the demolished foundry of his family onto a tricycle, setting out on his path by reenacting his grandfather’s homeless state in the early years. In Until We Meet Again, LIU Chi-tung& LIU Chi-fan join for the second time the "family trip" held for their relatives and friends by their tour guide father. They become aware of the meaning of their travel companions’ absence and changes in their relationships.
How's your job?How's your life? ──「在這工作,真幸福」(上)/ 林怡秀
How's your job?How's your life? ──「在這工作,真幸福」(下)/ 林怡秀
產業景觀與個人敘事的交纏─短評福利社「在這工作,真幸福」/ 莊偉慈 (藝術家2024年7月#590 )