Ming-yueh Tsai 

蔡 明 岳


A Guide

雙頻道錄像 Dual-channel film


A Guide 錄像主要是藉著對「尋龍尺」的重新操作與行走,重新設置城市邊界的閱讀方式。城市經濟擴張與文化價值各自表述的現況屢見不鮮,拉扯的張力有時候形成了一個虛構的對話。以一本尋龍尺的教學作為開端,將臺南市南區邊界作為演練場所,在被誤用的尋龍尺操作下,豪宅、墳墓、機場、學校、河流、叢林構成了現代城市寓言。

The video "A Guide" primarily utilizes the reenactment and walking with the "Dowsing Rod" as a method to reinterpret urban boundaries. The juxtaposition of urban economic expansion and cultural values is a common sight, where the tension between them sometimes forms an imagined dialogue. Starting with a tutorial on the Dragon Seeking Ruler, the southern boundary of Tainan city serves as the practice ground. Under the misused operations of the ruler, luxury houses, tombs, airports, schools, rivers, and jungles come together to form a modern urban parable.

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